Trinis are always on the move, the busiest periods being morning when we are hustling to drop the kids off to school and then getting to work on time. So we don't have time to prepare breakfast, so we end up buying breakfast. Don't get me wrong I love doubles and pies but that is not a proper breakfast. Luckily there are places that provide us with a proper breakfast. Some of these breakfast dishes are of both East Indian and Créole/African origin. In this post I would talk about the Créole/African influenced dishes. Firstly, there is 'fry bake' which id just fried dough it can be served with anything, popular dishes are salt fish, smoke herring, fried plantain. Some people even eat it with stew chicken but I believe stew chicken is to eat with rice and macaroni not fry bake. I enjoy my fry bake with buljol it must have cucumber, tomatoes and boiled egg or I am not eating it. Another tasty bake is coconut bake which is really coconut bread you eat it with the same things we enjoy with 'fry bake' but I enjoy mine with butter and cheese melted. In Trini words "dat thing does lash".
Best breakfast ever: Salt fish and Tomato!!