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Monday 20 July 2015

Amerindian Foods

Amerindians have existed in Trinidad and Tobago for over 6,000 years and numbered at least 40,000 people at the time of Columbus's discovery. Other than place names such as: Caroni, Arouca, Caura, Chaguanas and Mayaro just to name a few and their skills for making canoes, fans and mats.Amerindians were the ones who first discovered some of our vegetables like, yam, cassava and sweet potatoes.
They made 'cassava bread 'which was originally called 'cassareep' where they would remove the poisonous prussia acid of cassava juice into a vinegar where they would then make
     cassava bread.

'Roucou' which was used for flavoring meat and giving it color, we now use in our pastelles.

 'Chardon beni' which was used as a seasoning for meat and we still use to season almost anything.

Other foods included 'farine' and' corn patella's which also has a Spanish influence, but we'll talk about that in a later post with our Spanish influence foods. Also 'warap' which is a cereal and don't forget our love for cocoa was first introduced by the Amerindians.

1 comment:

  1. We use chadon beni just for about everything. In other places it's known as cilantro and is used in both Mexican and Chinese cuisine. I especially love using it in Chow!!!
