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About this blog

In Trinidad and Tobago our people ancestors came from all parts of the world bringing with them their love and taste for different types of food. When we hear the term "culture", its' mostly associated with our entertainment, our music, the way we dance, the way we dress, our customs and habits. I personally believe that our true culture lies within our food. What makes us a multi cultural society and different to the rest of the world is our blend and mix of local dishes and the history behind it. For example, our doubles has an East Indian influence but was created in Trinidad not by anyone from India. The salt fish or 'buljol" we eat has an African origin and now we make acre or even put it in rice with ochroe. Even the wild meat we eat was first eaten by the Amerindians the first people to inhabit our shores who would hunt iguanas, manicou and agouti, now we currying it and eating it with dumpling or provision.
This blog is not just about cooking and talking about our popular local dishes but also understanding the origin or history behind some of these delicious dishes and the innovation behind these dishes.

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