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Sunday 19 July 2015

Amerindians and Wildmeat

Oh how Trinis like their wild meat, well we have the Amerindians to thank for that. They were the ones who hunted and killed the little critters. Their primary activities were hunting and agriculture, so they would hunt and kill agouti, iguana which is also calls opossum, lappe, 'quenk' better known as wild hog and tattoo known to the rest of the world as armadillo.
Amerindians preparing the meat
 'Buccaneering" was a method practiced by the Amerindians.It came from the word 'buccan' for smoking meat.This was used was for preserving the meat and is still practiced in many parts of Trinidad.

Tattoo also known as armadillo

 Wild meat is highly sought after during hunting season  from the 1st October - the end of February. Now wild meat is prepared as both a Créole and Curried dish and usually goes with dumpling or ground provision.

A pot with cooked wild meat

1 comment:

  1. Roasting wildmeat over a pit is a favorite camping past time.
