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Check out some of these most delicious and popular local recipes.

OXTAIL SOUP - A Créole delight

2lb lean oxtails jointed
1/2 split pleas or lentils pre soaked
2 small onions
2 or 3 medium carrots
1/2 bunch chive
2 sprigs of thyme
1 whole hot pepper
2 or 3 cloves garlic

In a large saucepan put meat, carrots, soaked peas or beans with water to cover ingredients.

Cook until meat and beans or peas are tender.

Skim off fat and add more water to make required quantity of soup.

Add all ingredients and simmer until soup has a mellow taste.

Remove hot pepper before it bursts.

Correct seasoning and if desired, add sherry before serving. Serve hot

CRAB AND DUMPLING - A Trini favourite

4 large crabs
2 tbsp. curry powder
1 large chopped onion
1 tip thyme
clove of garlic (minced)
2 tbsp. of margarine
1/2 c. water
1/2 tsp. Salt
1/2 tap. Ginger
1 c. coconut milk, pepper to taste


1. Prepare crabs and cut into sections.
2. Sauté onions, garlic and rest of seasoning
3. Mix curry with coconut milk
4. Add to seasonings
5. Add water and crabs and cover tightly
6. Allow to boil for 5 mins then simmer for 20-25 mins. Serve hot with dumplings

Crab and dumpling

OIL DOWN - An African influenced dish

8ozs. Cooked salt fish
2 chives
2pts of coconut milk
1 large or 2 small breadfruit cut into sections of 4-6
2 sprigs of thyme
1 stick of celery
Additional seasonings like garlic , pimento and chado beni


1. Soak meat overnight in cold water.Drain
2. Remove the breadfruit core and peel and in a sauce pan put alternate layers of breadfruit, meat and salt fish.
3. Tie thyme, chive and add to the pan with celery and coconut milk
4. Cover tightly and bring to the boil. Reduce heat and simmer for about 45-50 mins until everything is cooked

5. Remove herbs before serving and add salt to taste.

2lbs of boiled ground provision (yam, dasheen, cassava or eddoes)
1/2 -3/4 lb salt fish
1 onion sliced, hot pepper, a few drops of lime juice

2 tbsp. of chopped chive and thyme
3/4 lb of chopped tomatoes
3-4 tbsp.of water
2 hard boiled eggs


1. Break salt fish into pieces and soak in cold water for 1/2 hr.
2. Drain remove dead skin and bones, squeeze out water and salt as much as possible.
3. Rinse in cold water and shred
4. Fry saltfsh in hot oil for about 5 mins, then add tomatoes, lime juice, onion, garlic, chive, thyme and hot pepper and cook for 10 mins.Add water if mixture is dry and cook for another 2 mins
5. Serve with provision, garnish with boiled eggs.

SHEPARD'S PIE - An English dish

2lb potatoes
3tbsp oil
2 onions, chopped
1 c of sliced mushrooms
1 lb ground beef
1/2 stock (beef)
1 tbsp. Tomato paste
1 tap of mustard
1/2 tap thyme, salt and pepper
1/3 c of milk
1 c of shredded cheese
2 eggs, separated
1. Peel and half potatoes. Cook in salted water until tender
2. In a skillet , heat 2 tbsp. Of the oil, cook onions and garlic for 5 mins or until softened.
3.Add mushrooms and cook for 2 or 3 mins or until mushrooms and cook for 2 mins or 3 mins or until golden brown
4.Transfer to shallow baking dish and set aside
5. In same skillet, cook beef for about 5 mins or until broken up and evenly browned
6. Drain off fat and add meat to mushrooms mixture.
7. In same skillet, bring stock and tomato paste to boil, stirring constantly
Remove from best and stir mustard and thyme, 1/2 tap slt and pinch of salt and pinch of pepper. Add mixture and stir well.

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